Monday, May 18, 2009

A Little Late

So I wanted to update daily on how it's going with our little house guest. Yesterday was just nutty and I started my day off with out a good nights sleep (and that was following 2 nights that I worked graveyard shift). So needless to say I was beat all day and didn't get around to blogging. Miss Maribelle & I headed out bright & early with my mom & her Golden Retriever Holly. It was a spa day for Holly-Holl. We dropped her off at Pawz & headed back to grab a coffee & visit with a friend. Knowing that Maribelle has been getting increasingly more prone to car sickness I had a small garbage bag opened & ready "just in case". She did great except for a little water spit up on our friends couch. We spent a lot of time in the road so I thought she was doing well. The second we leave my moms house in MY vehicle - she proceeds to vomit THREE TIMES! Poor Mari! I guess she was waiting until she got back into the comfort of her own car before letting loose. LOL

So after getting home we began to set up a few new "items" for the doggy play area. I scrubbed out the girls old sandbox & the puppy pool (with the help of my darling Ivy), and got them all set up in preparation of our second round of socialization - the dog meet up group I've organized. The hubster & Ivy had gone shopping yesterday & got some bones to burry in the sand along with a Halti for our big dog. I don't want him to miss out on the socialization since he loves to play & walk yet he is a puller. Being as I was planning on walking 5 or 6 dogs I just couldn't deal with the pulling & the head harness works WONDERS for pulling...

So 2pm rolls around & the majority of the folks who I'd expected didn't show up. Being as it was a yucky morning (and had JUST started to clear off) I wasn't surprised but between the 6 dogs I had, my mom & her Golden & my step mom & her Basset Hound - we had quite a gang! It, as it always is, was a noisey start. But my crew quickly got into their traveling mode & blended right into the rest of the pack just fine. They have only seen Holly a couple times so to them, she was a new dog which really is the most important thing. And Sadie - while they see (and bark at) her every day - they aren't generally in a "pack" with her. So I think we accomplished something!

After walking 2 miles (and passing 1 strange dog with out *too* much trouble I may add!) we came home to a little play time in the new sand box & poll. I didn't get any photos from our "meet up" but I did take a bit of a video of the pups playing in their makeshift beach. ;o)

Oh & I will add - ZERO aggressive "confrontations" between Milo & Lacie. WHOOP WHOOP!! Actually, Milo was the first to initiate play with Lacie. He was unsuccessful as Lacie still doesn't go there but at least there is peace between them all & I can breath easy.

1 comment:

  1. That's great! Those meet-ups, I imagine, are doing wonders for your babies. I can't wait until my Chihuahua playdates start (time is the issue). That's great about Milo and Lacie. Love the video. All the pups look great. Maxwell's coat looks so soft and shiny! And as always, Milo has stolen my heart. Matilda and Maribelle looked like the pretty princesses that they are!
