Saturday, December 5, 2009

Flying Santa

Marley went on a little outting with us today. We went to the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse to watch Santa Claus ride in on the helicoptor! There were loads of people there & a couple other dogs. Marley, with the exception of when we first got there (when he sniffed around in the grass a bit), stayed in my carrier all bundled up & wrapped in a fluffy blanket. He was so content & comfy & gave the occassional kiss to passer byers that happened to notice him in his camouflage of blanket. We also got stopped by the local press who snapped a picture of us & took down our names & such - wonderful!

At any rate - here are a few cell pics we managed to snap through out the event.

Marley looks huge in this pic...I swear he is 3lbs of HEAD! hehe


  1. Ha, ha, never saw Santa in a helicopter before, has he traded his sleigh in for it?
    Marley looks very snug in his carrier, hope you enjoyed your day.

  2. Marley looks all cozy and warm. Looks like the Season is upon us.

  3. Actually, I guess the Santa in the helicoptor has been happening for years & years & years! They hit most of the lighthouses here in Maine at least, maybe even all of New England? Not sure...but you can see some info on it if you google "the flying Santa". Pretty interesting! :o)
