So our first day for our new diet was Wednesday. She forgot to feed us breakfast! Geez mum! But her, dad & Ivy went for a ride and came home with some nummy smelling things. We were berry curious what was in those boxes on the table...
So then she spend lots of time by the sink & it started smelling SO good! Finally, she took us down into our room & gave us something she wasn't sure we'd like. But she was crazy because it was the nummiest thing we'd ever eaten! CHICKEN NECKS!! She watches us berry carefully, specially Matilda & Milo since they like to inhale their food. Matilda was doing a berry good job chewing but Milo went a little fast so mum turned to hold onto his neck. Five seconds later (no kidding!), my hooman sister Ivy said pointed out to mum that Matilda whole neck was GONE! She had swallowed the whole thing! OMD mum said she was such a naughty girl. She has been OK but now mum holds onto her food so she can crunch properly. At least until she learns to chew. Mum said she had read that many kibble fed dogs never learn how to chew....
Maxwell, Marley & I are berry good at chewing berry well. I takes the longest but mum said that is ok. I have the smallest mouth after all. Anywayz, here are some pictures of us enjoying our new food. Mum said we will get these necks for 2 weeks & then she will add in something else berry nummy (and not so messy). It's called ground beef & organz! Sounds good I sink!
This is our feeding place until it gets warm outside when we can eat outside in our play area.
Marley was keeping an eye out on big brudder - he was getting a little nosey since he had already finished his food.
Milo: "Dis is boring! We have to watch dem eat. I sink we should have equal eating time & not equal(ish) food!" Matilda: "I just wantz to pay fetch wiff my faborite toy now!"
"Nyum, nyum, nyum......"
"Crunch, crunch, crunch....."
"Dis is MY bonez! Aint it cool!?"